Sunday 14 August 2011

Old Illustrations

Hey everyone, Mune here! Just posting up some older illustration work to show where I came from before updating the blog with all new, wip or just finished pieces of 3D art and Illustration

A viking background illustration I did in 3 point perspective. Below are some WIP's of the background in stages.

Here some random assortment of various older pieces I did to help study character design, anatomy and digital art

Friday 15 July 2011

Old 3D Art

Hello, and welcome to Mune's Designs where I. Mune, will be posting up my 3D work and Illustrations for all to see (sometimes WIP, sometimes finished; however, in every post for WIP the finished version will be put at the bottom of the post.

I am a 3D Modeler and Environment Artist who specialized in such in my final year at College. I took a Three year Advanced Diploma course and gained a lot of knowledge in the basics. Now I'm fine tuning my skills and trying to strengthen myself so I can acquire a studio job or more industry experience. I primarily use Maya, Zbrush and UDK for this, however I do know how to use 3DS Max and portions of Unity as well.

I also design and illustrate in 2D art, but more on that when I make a post about it.

Here I am showcasing a lot of my old 3D artwork from about a year ago. I never really posted it besides for my website and some on the art site I use the most, but it's always good to look back and see where you started. I will update it when I compile the texture/uv maps as well as the wireframe of some of this work.


Griffon Man

Here is the Griffon Man. I completed him in April 2010 and rigged and posed him. He was quite a challenge, given his wings are always tricky to model in general. I learned after that it probably would've been better to use alpha maps for the spaces in the wings instead of modeling them, but you learn as you practice.

Here is his Maps

I used a normal map, occlusion map, cavity map and diffuse/texture map. I see how I could've put more detail into his texture, but I think over all the less detail blended well with his normal map.

Quebec At Magic Hour

So here is a random street corner in Quebec at Magic Hour. The architecture and textures were all referenced from Quebec style buildings and the lighting was created to mimic Magic Hour (Magic Hour is the point in which the sun is almost set and the sky is let up with pinks and oranges, and cast black shadows against the buildings. Like magic)

Here it is unlit so you can see the details in the textures and Normal maps better. The buildings in the front are my personal favourite.

As I don't really have screenshots of my Temple, (It was created in UDK) I do however have the rendered video of it in my old Demo Reel that I will display instead.

2010 Demo Reel - Demo Reel 2010

Modelling demo reel 2010 from mtrahan on Vimeo.

That's it for older work for now, stay tuned for some older illustrations and then newer work. Thanks for reading and looking!